Migrating JSF 1.1 to JSF 1.2 - standalone

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 07:04:04 -0800

TG> sorry to intrude on the dev mailingslist, but I'm not quite sure
TG> where else to go with this.

No problem, we're happy to assist you.

TG> We have a project in development, using JSF. Currently, the project
TG> u= ses JSF 1.1 (deafult implementation), but there are some major
TG> issues with th= at (eg. errors without stacktraces, converter
TG> problems). A lot of comments ba= sically state that certain issues
TG> should (or will) be fixed in JSF 1.2. The o= nly problem is: how do
TG> you upgrade?

This is a good question. We will be bundling a 1.1_02 version of JSF
with an upcoming update release of Sun's Java System Application
Server. This one should be extractable.

TG> My current approach was to search for a standalone version of the JSF
TG> 1.2jars. The last weekly standalone build dates from april 14, but
TG> this bunks
TG> out on page-load as follows:
TG> java.lang.AbstractMethodError:
TG> javax.faces.render.ResponseStateManager.isPostback
TG> (Ljavax/faces/context/FacesContext;)Z
TG> at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase.isPostback(RestoreViewPha=
TG> :200)

TG> Looking at the milestone builds, it is indicated that these are depen=
TG> dent on
TG> J2EE 5.0. This is not supported by our J2EE container and a standalon=
TG> e build
TG> seems to be missing. The jsr spec however indicates that JSF 1.2 can =
TG> be used
TG> standalone.

Yes, the core JSF 1.2 is entirely dependent on Java EE 5.

TG> I've even gone so far as to look at what's included in the Glassfish
TG> project, but the classes there seem to be thightly integrated with
TG> javaee.jar. Why is this? Doesn't this break the standalone requiremen=
TG> t?

The standalone requirement, from 2.17 of JSR-252 [1] states:

2.17 Please state the rationale if previous versions are available
stand-alone and you are now proposing in 2.13 to only deliver RI and TCK
as part of a profile or platform edition (See sections 1.1.5 and 1.1.6
of the JCP 2 document).

  We will continue to have a standalone implementation of JavaServer Faces
  that runs on top of Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.1.

This is regrettably vague and the meaning is that we will have a version
of JSF 1.1 that contains some of the bug-fixes from 1.2 but runs on the
above servlet and JSP specs.

Please let me know if this response is unsatisfactory.



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