Re: To place a image in the tabbed pane

From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 09:27:26 -0400

Can you be more specific as to what you are trying to do?
Did you take a look at the JSF demo tabbed pane component?
Any code you have may help illustrate what you are trying to do.


Sowmya Nadgir wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am using JSF as presentation layer in my Web-Application.
> In the meanwhile i am not able to achieve the following
> 1. To place an image in the tabbed pane.
> 2. To put different colors(dynamically) in the table.
> Can anyone tell me how exactly can i achieve this.
> Regards
> SN