Re: Should disabledClass be applied to select element too?

From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 14:00:51 -0400

I think since "disabled" is already an attribute on the component itself
the patch can be applied to the renderer accordingly.


Jayashri Visvanathan wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I looked at the Std. HTML Renderkit docs and it doesn't mention
> anything specifically about how "disabled" should be handled with
> respect to options. That said, this sounds like a bug to me. If the
> component is "disabled", shouldn't we render "disabled" on select
> element, applying the disabledClass in addition to disabling the
> options that are disabled.
> Roger, does the Spec need to clarify this or can we just fix this in
> the RI ?
> Thanks
> -Jayashri
> Michael Youngstrom wrote:
>> I'm using a selectManyListbox. When I disable the component only the
>> options get the disabledClass applied to them. This is fine except
>> if the listBox is empty then it doesn't look disabled. I think it
>> would be nice to applying disabledClass to the select element as well
>> as the options for selectManyListbox and maybe the other select
>> components. What do you think? I could probably create and issue
>> and a patch however I'm not sure what kind of spec implications it has.
>> Mike
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