Please review the fix attached here
This bug exposed two issues in commandLink parameters processing logic.
1. Any parameters nested in commandLink were not rendered as hidden fields.
2. If there are multiple forms in page having (commandLink) parameters
with the same "name", hidden fields will be
rendered only for first form.
M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/
M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/
M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/
Use a list to track the parameters rendered as hidden fields when a
commandLink is processed. Save this
in requestMap, so that when the next commandLink component is processed,
this list can be looked up to
render only the new ones. This list needs to be reset before the next
"form" in the page is processed (which is why the parameters cannot
be directly stored in requestMap.)
M systest/web/golden/taglib/commandLink_multiform_test.txt
M systest/web/taglib/commandLink_multiform_test.jsp
M web/test/CorrectRenderersResponse
M web/test/RenderResponse_correct
updated tests and golden files.