Re: Jayashri: jsf-api jar bundling

From: Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 14:16:16 -0700

Ed Burns wrote:

>>>>>>On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 11:08:07 -0700, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
>JV> Ed Burns wrote:
>>>Hello Jayashri,
>>>I think we need to notify someone on the glassfish team that jsf-api.jar
>>>still needs the special treatment it currently gets with respect to
>>>This is very important because as we are developing the JSF impl itself,
>>>we need to be able to have jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar instead of
>>>having it be bundled into javaee.jar during development. I've added
>>>some targets to our top-level build.xml to strip the jsf-api classes out
>>>of javaee.jar and then copy the jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar from one's
>>>tree into glassfish.
>JV> Perhaps I am missing something here, but you shouldn't have to do
>JV> this. did you do this because you had problems with
>JV> debugging ? If so, you should bring this issue up with the Netbeans team
>JV> and find out what they have to say.
>You do have to do it when doing iterative development of features in
>jsf-api.jar. Who wants to spend the time updating javaee.jar each time?
  I don't find it that time consuming, I use the "glassfish.deploy"
target under javaserverfaces-sources.
Alternative is to do this the following as documented in the FAQ:

To override jsf-api.jar, copy jsf-api.jar GLASSFISH.HOME/lib and modify
GlassFish.home/domains/domain1/config/domain1.xml to add the following
to java-config element.


The above applies to jsf-impl.jar as well.

>>>We need to make sure this continues to work. In other words,
>>>glassfish can't take for granted that the jsf-api classes will always
>>>be in javaee.jar. I fear a regression when someone mucks with the
>>>classloader list to take jsf-api.jar away from being considered
>>>specially. I want to prevent this regression from happening.
>JV> If I understand your concern correctly, it is true for any component
>JV> thats part of the shared chain and is part of javaee.jar. Glassfish
>JV> does allow you to override the jars in shared class loader and if you
>JV> override it right way, they should be picked up and I've verified that.
>What's the right way to override it, then?
See above
