Jayashri: jsf-api jar bundling

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 07:07:28 -0700

Hello Jayashri,

I think we need to notify someone on the glassfish team that jsf-api.jar
still needs the special treatment it currently gets with respect to

This is very important because as we are developing the JSF impl itself,
we need to be able to have jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar instead of
having it be bundled into javaee.jar during development. I've added
some targets to our top-level build.xml to strip the jsf-api classes out
of javaee.jar and then copy the jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar from one's
tree into glassfish.

We need to make sure this continues to work. In other words, glassfish
can't take for granted that the jsf-api classes will always be in
javaee.jar. I fear a regression when someone mucks with the classloader
list to take jsf-api.jar away from being considered specially. I want
to prevent this regression from happening.


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