By the way, this information is only for Glassfish users.
Jayashri Visvanathan wrote:
> Hello All,
> jsf-api.jar is now part of javaee.jar. There are two ways to override
> the jsf-api.jar bundled in javaee.jar.
> 1. Run the glassfish.deploy target from javaserverfaces-sources. This
> will update jsf-api.jar in javaee.jar.
> 2. If you just have binaries and don't have a build environment, you
> can do the following
> 1.copy jsf-api.jar GLASSFISH.HOME/lib
> 2. modify GlassFish.home/domains/domain1/config/domain1.xml to add
> the following to java-config element.
> classpath-prefix="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/jsf-api.jar".
> -Jayashri
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