>>>>> On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 12:59:48 -0700, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
JV> Here is another work around if you don't want to move to last week's build.
JV> 1. comment out the resourceInjection01.jsp test in systests/build.xml to
JV> fix the golden file comparison error.
JV> 2. To get rid of the deployment error, remove
JV> jsf-systest/build/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml before you run the tests.
JV> Thanks
JV> -Jayashri
I've modified the jsf-ri/systest/build.xml to remove the sun-web.xml.
Please be advised of this so you can rollback this mod when a build is
available on all platforms that doesn't have the regression.