Here is another work around if you don't want to move to last week's build.
1. comment out the resourceInjection01.jsp test in systests/build.xml to
fix the golden file comparison error.
2. To get rid of the deployment error, remove
jsf-systest/build/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml before you run the tests.
Jayashri Visvanathan wrote:
> Hello All,
> Resource injection systest test (resourceInjection01.jsp) fails
> presently with Glassfish due to regression if you are using friday's
> build or later. The fix for this bug is in progress. So our workaround
> would be to use a last thursday's build or earlier. I will send a
> notification once the bug is fixed in Glassfish. Sorry about this
> inconvenience.
> Thanks
> -Jayashri
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