Re: JSF-RI disallows custom String (and Object) converters?

From: Adam Winer <>
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 10:17:23 -0700

Mike Kienenberger wrote:
> Performance seems like a pretty weak argument.

Um, but in this case it's a real argument. I've seen
profiles where Converter creation was very, very painful,
and that's in cases where a Converter was successfully
returned. Exceptions are totally brutal to create.

But a plain fact is that it would require a spec change
to support what you're asking for: the spec is explicit
about what by-type converters are registered by default.

-- Adam

> If that's the only issue, then one of many possible solutions is to
> return some default placeholder converters for String and Object that
> just pass-through the values when no converter is found.
> -Mike
> On 8/9/05, Adam Winer <> wrote:
>> Mike,
>> You can create a custom converter and manually attach
>> it to components, but we can't really allow custom
>> String and Object converters.
>> For starters, Application.createConverter(Class) throws
>> an exception if nothing is registered - so we'd have
>> to wrap UIInput.getConverterWithType() with
>> "try/catch (FacesException e)" - which would be
>> brutal for performance, since a common scenario would
>> result in a thrown exception.
>> -- Adam
>> Mike Kienenberger wrote:
>>> I notice that the JSF-RI disallows custom String (and Object) converters.
>>> Inside the private method UIInput.getConverterWithType(FacesContext context),
>>> // if converterType is null, String, or Object, assume no
>>> conversion is needed
>>> I don't see anything mentioned in the spec or javadocs that requires
>>> this restriction.
>>> Does this limitation have to followed in all JSF-compliant
>>> implementations? (I originally brought this up on the MyFaces dev
>>> list, but was told that Myfaces had to follow the JSF-RI behavior for
>>> compatibility.)
>>> My use case is that I would like to create a java.lang.String
>>> converter that automatically converts all empty strings to null.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -Mike Kienenberger
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