Great to see some optimizing of this code - getFacetsAndChildren()
is desperately in need of it - but the new getFacetCount()
API's got to be brought over to the EG. Where I'll +1 it.
Also, you could optimize getFacetsAndChildren() further
to deal with the common scenarios of children but no
facets or facets but no children:
if (getFacetCount() == 0) {
if (getChildCount() == 0) { return EMPTY_ITERATOR };
return getChildren().iterator();
else if (getChildCount() == 0) {
return getFacets().values().iterator();
else {
... old code ...
...saving a whopping one object allocation, but it does
add up with all the tree walking we do.
And state saving could be further optimized by saving
facets as alternating name/state pairs in the array, instead
of an array of two-element arrays.
-- Adam
-----Original Message-----
From Jacob Hookom <jacob_at_hookom.net>
Sent Sat 7/2/2005 7:50 AM
To dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
Subject Review: Initial Fixes for Issue 125
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