Re: Tips for retrieving jsf-api.jar

From: <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 20:20:02 +0200

Mike, thanks a lot for that tip, you are right that I should probably
document this in Facelets, but I will pass this on to the JavaServer
Faces RI team. I believe they are already aware of some of the issues
you've pointed out.

-- Jacob

Mike Kienenberger <> wrote on 07/14/2005, 08:06:23 PM:
> For anyone else foolish enough to try to retrieve the jsf-api.jar from
> the nightlies, here's some help.
> Download the nightly javaserverfaces_binary.class.
> You'll end up with a lovely file named
> -bld1-BUILD_AREA-jsf1.2-ws-jsf1.2fcs-javaserverfaces-sources-javaserverfaces_binary.class
> Next, you have to have java 1.5 installed to unpack this monstrocity.
> After all, to display a llicense and unpack files, you *NEED* the
> full power of 1.5.
> Next, you'll need to rename the file back to javaserverfaces_binary.class.
> The unpack instructions are, of course, wrong.
> 'java -cp . javaserverfaces_binary' won't do it.
> You'll need to give it a lot of memory, or you'll get an out of memory error.
> I used this command.
> java -Xms256M -Xmx256M -cp . javaserverfaces_binary
> And eventually you'll finally be able to retrieve the jsf-api.jar file.
> -Mike
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