Review: Fix for JSFRI issue 129

From: Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 17:19:54 -0700

Please review the fix for JSFRI issue 129 posted at

Modify the FacesELResolver stack registration logic such that
ELResolvers can be added programatically until the first request
is serviced.

M com/sun/faces/application/
  add accessor methods for set and get FacesCompositeELResolver
  so that it can be populated after the first request is serviced.

M com/sun/faces/application/
  Any resolver set via setPropertyResolver takes precendence
  over whats set via faces-config.xml

M com/sun/faces/config/
  Register an empty FacesCompositeELResolver with Jsp instead
  of the entire stack.

M com/sun/faces/lifecycle/
  add a method to populate the FacesELResolver stack during the
  very first time a request is processed.