Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 16:08:34 -0600, Jonathan Eric Miller <jemiller_at_uchicago.edu> said:
>JEM> I'm wondering if it would be possible for you guys to include the
>JEM> version numbers in the names of the jar files for the commons
>JEM> components. For example, currently, you have
>JEM> commons-collections.jar. I would be nice if it were something like
>JEM> commons-collections-2.1.1.jar. This way, if you are using JSF with
>JEM> another package like say Hibernate which also uses
>JEM> commons-collections, you can know if there is a version conflict.
>Roger, I just checked the jars from a fresh build and this info still
>isn't in there. I thought you added it, no?
This was included originally as part of the "jars" target. I think has
since been moved
to the "dist" target in the build.xml file.