Hi Jacob,
jacob_at_hookom.net wrote:
>I'm wondering if it wouldn't be more efficient to fetch a ManagedBean
>object instance from the ApplicationAssociate:
>Some Sample Code:
>// move creation logic out of associate and into ManagedBean
>ManagedBean bean = associate.getManagedBean(propertyStr);
>if (bean != null) {
> return bean.instance(facesContext);
>The "instance" method encapsulates:
>- Checking the appropriate scope and returning that instance
>- If not already in scope, synchronize on that scope only and
>Currently, the ApplicationAssociate synchronizes itself on Application
>scope and Session scope-- this isn't probably the best approach. If
>anything, it should synchronize on the Session or ServletContext object
>itself as to not lock the ApplicationAssociate for all threads.
>Also, the ELResolver implementation does 4 HashMap checks because the
>ApplicationAssociate doesn't provide access to ManagedBean data. It
>would probably be more efficient if the ApplicationAssociate was able
>to provide knowledge of a ManagedBean's existence without requiring
>redundant scope checks on each invocation.
I think we still need the HashMap checks because according to the
spec, managed bean may have a property that
points at an object stored in a scope with a (potentially) shorter life
span that could have been set programmatically.
Other changes you suggested sound good to me.
>-- Jacob
>Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> wrote on 06/15/2005, 04:07:47 PM:
>>SECTION: Modified Files
>>M src/com/sun/faces/el/ManagedBeanELResolver.java
>> - getType() returns null unless base and property are both null
>> - removed scope searching code from setValue since this should
>> be deferred to the ScopedAttributeELResolver
>> - isReadOnly should not call ELContext.setPropertyResolved(true)
>>SECTION: Diffs
>>Index: src/com/sun/faces/el/ManagedBeanELResolver.java
>>RCS file:
>>retrieving revision 1.3
>>diff -u -r1.3 ManagedBeanELResolver.java
>>--- src/com/sun/faces/el/ManagedBeanELResolver.java 10 Jun 2005
>>21:59:55 -0000 1.3
>>+++ src/com/sun/faces/el/ManagedBeanELResolver.java 15 Jun 2005
>>13:49:01 -0000
>>@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
>> package com.sun.faces.el;
>>-import com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate;
>>-import com.sun.faces.config.ManagedBeanFactory;
>>-import com.sun.faces.util.Util;
>>+import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor;
>>+import java.util.ArrayList;
>>+import java.util.Iterator;
>>+import java.util.Map;
>> import javax.el.ELContext;
>> import javax.el.ELException;
>>@@ -18,11 +19,10 @@
>> import javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException;
>> import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
>> import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
>>-import java.beans.BeanInfo;
>>-import java.beans.FeatureDescriptor;
>>-import java.util.ArrayList;
>>-import java.util.Iterator;
>>-import java.util.Map;
>>+import com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate;
>>+import com.sun.faces.config.ManagedBeanFactory;
>>+import com.sun.faces.util.Util;
>> public class ManagedBeanELResolver extends ELResolver {
>>@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
>> if (base != null) {
>> return null;
>> }
>>- if ( base == null && property == null) {
>>+ if (property == null) {
>> String message = Util.getExceptionMessageString
>> message = message + " base " + base + " property " + property;
>>@@ -44,22 +44,13 @@
>> Object result = null;
>> FacesContext facesContext = (FacesContext)
>> context.getContext(FacesContext.class);
>>- ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext();
>>- boolean beanExists = false;
>>- if (externalContext.getRequestMap().containsKey(property)) {
>>- beanExists = true;
>>- }
>>- else if (externalContext.getSessionMap().containsKey(property)) {
>>- beanExists = true;
>>- }
>>- else if (externalContext.getApplicationMap().containsKey(property)) {
>>- beanExists = true;
>>- }
>>- if (beanExists) {
>>- return null;
>>- }
>>+ ExternalContext externalContext =
>>+ if (externalContext.getRequestMap().containsKey(property)
>>+ || externalContext.getSessionMap().containsKey(property)
>>+ || externalContext.getApplicationMap().containsKey(property)) {
>>+ return null;
>>+ }
>> // if it's a managed bean, try to create it
>> ApplicationAssociate associate = ApplicationAssociate
>>@@ -77,50 +68,28 @@
>> public Class getType(ELContext context, Object base, Object property)
>> throws ELException {
>>- if (base != null) {
>>- return null;
>>- }
>>- if ( base == null && property == null) {
>>+ if (base == null && property == null) {
>> String message = Util.getExceptionMessageString
>> message = message + " base " + base + " property " + property;
>> throw new PropertyNotFoundException(message);
>> }
>>- context.setPropertyResolved(true);
>>- return Object.class;
>>+ return null;
>> }
>> public void setValue(ELContext context, Object base, Object property,
>> Object val) throws ELException {
>>- if (base != null) {
>>- return;
>>- }
>>- if ( base == null && property == null) {
>>+ if (base == null && property == null) {
>> String message = Util.getExceptionMessageString
>> message = message + " base " + base + " property " + property;
>> throw new PropertyNotFoundException(message);
>> }
>>- Object result = null;
>>- FacesContext facesContext =
>>- (FacesContext) context.getContext(FacesContext.class);
>>- String attribute = (String) property;
>>- ExternalContext ec = facesContext.getExternalContext();
>>- if ((result = ec.getRequestMap().get(attribute)) != null) {
>>- ec.getRequestMap().put(attribute, val);
>>- context.setPropertyResolved(true);
>>- } else if ((result = ec.getSessionMap().get(attribute)) != null) {
>>- context.setPropertyResolved(true);
>>- ec.getSessionMap().put(attribute, val);
>>- } else if ((result = ec.getApplicationMap().get(attribute)) !=
>>null) {
>>- context.setPropertyResolved(true);
>>- ec.getApplicationMap().put(attribute, val);
>>- } else {
>>- ec.getRequestMap().put(attribute, val);
>>- }
>> }
>> public boolean isReadOnly(ELContext context, Object base, Object
>>@@ -128,15 +97,13 @@
>> if (base != null) {
>> return false;
>> }
>>- if ( base == null && property == null) {
>>+ if (property == null) {
>> String message = Util.getExceptionMessageString
>> message = message + " base " + base + " property " + property;
>> throw new PropertyNotFoundException(message);
>> }
>>- // return value will be ignored unless context.propertyResolved is
>>- // set to true.
>>- context.setPropertyResolved(true);
>> return false;
>> }
>>@@ -147,7 +114,6 @@
>> }
>> ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
>>- BeanInfo info = null;
>> FacesContext facesContext =
>> (FacesContext) context.getContext(FacesContext.class);
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