Re: [REVIEW] Update convertDateTime locale and timeZone attributes to accept Object

From: Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 17:35:02 -0700


Ryan Lubke wrote:

> The locale and timeZone attributes of dateTime had the expected type
> of java.util.Locale
> and java.util.TimeZone (respectively). This is incorrect since the
> docs for these attributes
> state the value can be one of those objects, or a String that is
> correct to create on of those objects
> SECTION: Modified Files
> ----------------------------
> M conf/share/jsf_core.tld
> - update convertDateTime locale and timeZone attributes to accept
> Object.
> M src/com/sun/faces/taglib/jsf_core/
> - updated setPropertiesLogic to take the above info into account.
> M systest/build-tests.xml
> - added new systest converter05
> A systest/web/converter05.jsp
> A systest/web/golden/standard/converter05.txt
> - new systest to ensure the locale and timeZone attributes
> accept:
> * literal text
> * VE resolving to a String
> * VE resolving to either a Locale or TimeZone object depending
> on attribute