Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>On Wed, 18 May 2005 07:37:55 -0700, Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM> said:
>>>>>>On Tue, 17 May 2005 14:58:15 -0700, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
>JV> Hi Jocob,
>JV> The problem with the existing logic is as I had mentioned in the change
>JV> bundle, if there are any transient listeners, they will be lost if the
>JV> persisted listeners list overrides the internal list. Thats why we are
>JV> reverting back to the old way.
>EB> We need to put this question to the EG.
>Actually, when I sat down to write a bug report for this I discovered
>that this isn't a spec issue and we can change it without changing how
>we restore listeners.
>Here's the deal.
>The inner listener added by the PaneComponent is transient, therefore,
>it must not be saved or restored. What's happening is that a
>StateHolderSaver instance *is* getting created for each inner listener:
>with a null state. This is what StateHolderSaver does if the component
>it is asked to save is transient.
>I propose we modify the package private StateHolderSaver class to have
>an isTransient() method that we can call so that
>UIComponentBase.saveAttachedState() can skip adding that element if it
>is transient, rather than doing the unconditional add we have right now.
>Jayashri, can you produce a patch and test this out? I'm concerned
>about regressions with this, but I think we'll be ok.
Hi Ed,
Unless I am missing something, I don't see how it fixes the
problem.. As far as I know, saving and restoring transient listeners
work fine and there is no problem with our present logic, although I
agree we could do what you proposed as an optimization.