>>>>> On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 16:34:17 -0700, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
JV> Two comments:
JV> 1)
JV> M jsf-ri/src/com/sun/faces/context/ExternalContextImpl.java
JV> Use generic Maps as the type of the ivars.
JV> Use Collections.unmodifiableMap() where possible.
Do I have to roll back the changes to ExternalContext?
I know they're related to EL, but they don't have a compile time
dependency on it, and I'd like to do as much of the merging up front as
JV> Could you please roll back the above changes, because these are based on
JV> Unified EL and are not needed for TCCI.
JV> 2) Noticed some System.out.println statements in ViewHandlerImpl.
JV> Other than that, looks good to me. r=jayashri.
Thanks' I'll take those out.
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