>>>>> On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 18:59:15 -0800, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
JV> M portlet-lib/build.xml
JV> copy jsf-portlet.tld to appropriate location.
JV> M portlet-lib/src/conf/META-INF/faces-config.xml
JV> declare PortletComponent.
Are you sure of the name? How about something more descriptive?
PortletIdComponent? PortletIdDisambiguatorComponent?
JV> M portlet-lib/src/java/com/sun/faces/portlet/ExternalContextImpl.java
JV> added setResponse and setRequest methods.
Good catch.
JV> A portlet-lib/src/java/com/sun/faces/portlet/PortletComponent.java
JV> Custom component that guarantees "id" uniqueness when one portlet
JV> is deployed multiple times in a portal environment.
JV> A portlet-lib/src/java/com/sun/faces/portlet/PortletComponentTag.java
JV> Tag handler for PortletComponent.
JV> A portlet-lib/src/java/com/sun/faces/portlet/jsf-portlet.tld
JV> TLD for declare PortletComponentTag.
Ok, r=edburns
| ed.burns_at_sun.com | {home: 407 294 2468, office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640}
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