Re: Seeking Review [NEW] add escape attribute to Label renderer

From: Adam Winer <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 09:28:42 -0800

Adam Winer wrote:
> Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
>> Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 15:18:05 -0800, "Craig R. McClanahan"
>>>>>>>> <Craig.McClanahan_at_Sun.COM> said:
>>> CR> Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>> [NEW] add escape attribute to Label renderer.
>>>>> CRAIG: ok with this resolution?
>>> CR> I'm fine except for a nitpick and a documentation issue.
>>> CR> * Nitpick -- you shouldn't be editing (or checking in)
>>> xxx-attrs.xml CR> files ...
>>> CR> they get generated from the corresponding xxx-props.xml files
>>> (or at
>>> CR> least they used to).
>>> I agree. I didn't notice it, but all the *-attrs.xml files are checked
>>> into CVS. I'll ask Jayashri to CVS remove them and make sure the build
>>> process expects them to be generated.
>>> CR> * Documentation issue -- there are discrepancies in the various
>>> places
>>> CR> you describe the default value for this attribute. I agree
>>> that the CR> default
>>> CR> should be false, but in some places you've got it described as
>>> true.
>>> In all places regarding the "escape" attribute of the output label
>>> renderer, it should be false. There are other cases where it defaults
>>> to true, for example, the Text renderer. Changing these default values
>>> would be a spec change, and would have to be handled in another issue.
>>> Can I consider this an r=craigmcc?
>> With that clarification, yes.
> Just to clarify from my end, the default of "escape" on <h:outputLabel>
> will be true pending discussion on the EG?
> Even making the default value of "escape" on <h:outputLabel> default
> to false would be a spec change, since the text is currently escaped
> by default.

Well, I'm wrong, and I'm right. I'll follow up on the EG, but
the default value is open to interpretation.

-- Adam