>>>>> On Tue, 09 Nov 2004 14:01:37 -0800, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
JV> M build.xml
JV> modify run.systest-per-webapp target to depend on "compile.test" target
Thanks, I should have done that a while ago. I'm sorry for the time you
had to spend on it.
JV> M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/ButtonRenderer.java
JV> Fix for JSFRI 63. Invoke a javascript function from "onclick" event
JV> handler to clear
JV> out all the hidden fields in the form before user specified script for
JV> "onclick" is executed.
JV> M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/CommandLinkRenderer.java
JV> Fix for JSFRI 63. Invoke a javascript function from "onclick" event
JV> handler to clear
JV> out all the hidden fields in the form.
JV> Fix for Issue 10: Set the target attribute on the form element using
JV> javascript.
JV> Because we treat commandLink as a button,setting target on it,
JV> will not have the desired effect since we "return false" for onclick.
JV> which would essentially cancel the click.
JV> Fix for Issue 68: make clientId a local ivar in the encodeBegin method
JV> instead
JV> of a class ivar since it is not used anywhere else.
JV> M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/FormRenderer.java
JV> Generate a javascript function to clear out all the hidden fields in the
JV> form.
JV> M src/com/sun/faces/renderkit/html_basic/HtmlBasicRenderer.java
JV> declare some public static constants.
JV> M systest/build-tests.xml
JV> M systest-per-webapp/build-tests.xml
JV> Disable Javascript execution in HtmlUnit. HtmlUnit 1.2.3 doesn't have
JV> sull support for Javascript yet. Since
JV> none of the tests relies on the successful execution of javascript
JV> (except the commandLink back button test)
JV> disabling JS has no side effects.
Oh well.
JV> M systest/web/golden/factoryFinder.txt
JV> M systest/web/golden/managed04.txt
JV> M systest/web/golden/taglib/commandButton_test.txt
JV> M systest/web/golden/taglib/commandLink_multiform_test.txt
JV> M systest/web/golden/taglib/commandLink_test.txt
JV> systest-per-webapp/command-link-back-button/src/java/com/sun/faces/systest/Com
JV> mandLinkBackButtonTestCase.java
JV> M test/com/sun/faces/application/TestViewHandlerImpl.java
JV> commeted a test that causes a different "action" attribute value to be
JV> rendered on the form tag every time the test case is run. This test is
JV> very similar
JV> to testRender2(), so its not a problem to removing it to make golden
JV> file generation easier.
JV> M test/com/sun/faces/lifecycle/TestLifecycleImpl_initial.java
JV> M web/test/RenderResponse_correct
JV> M web/test/TestLifecycleImpl_initial_correct
JV> M web/test/TestRenderResponsePhase.jsp
JV> M web/test/TestViewHandlerImpl_correct
JV> updated golden file.
r=edburns. I'm sure you're glad to be done with this one.
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