Hello Visvan,
Comments below. Please reply.
>>>>> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 11:36:59 -0700, Jayashri Visvanathan <Jayashri.Visvanathan_at_Sun.COM> said:
JV> Index: src/javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentTag.java
JV> ===================================================================
JV> RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/src/javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentTag.java,v
JV> retrieving revision 1.51
JV> diff -u -r1.51 UIComponentTag.java
JV> --- src/javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentTag.java 31 Aug 2004 19:50:19 -0000 1.51
JV> +++ src/javax/faces/webapp/UIComponentTag.java 12 Oct 2004 18:01:01 -0000
JV> @@ -692,39 +692,30 @@
JV> if (parentTag != null) {
JV> parentComponent = parentTag.getComponentInstance();
JV> } else {
JV> - //
JV> // Special case. The component to be found is the
JV> // UIViewRoot.
JV> - //
JV> -
JV> // see if this is the first time this tag instance is trying
JV> // to be bound to the UIViewRoot
JV> - if (null == (parentComponent = (UIComponent)
JV> - pageContext.getAttribute(CURRENT_VIEW_ROOT,
JV> - PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE))){
JV> - parentComponent = context.getViewRoot();
JV> - pageContext.setAttribute(CURRENT_VIEW_ROOT, parentComponent,
JV> - PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE);
JV> - // Has this UIViewRoot instance had a tag bound to it
JV> - // before?
JV> - if (null ==
JV> - parentComponent.getAttributes().get(CURRENT_VIEW_ROOT)) {
JV> - // No it hasn't.
JV> -
JV> - // make sure setProperties() and setId() are called
JV> - // once per UIViewRoot instance.
JV> - if (null != this.id) {
JV> - parentComponent.setId(this.id);
JV> - }
JV> - parentComponent.getAttributes().put(CURRENT_VIEW_ROOT,
JV> - }
JV> - else if (binding == null) {
JV> - setProperties(parentComponent);
JV> - }
JV> + parentComponent = context.getViewRoot();
JV> + // Has this UIViewRoot instance had a tag bound to it
JV> + // before?
JV> + if (null ==
JV> + parentComponent.getAttributes().get(CURRENT_VIEW_ROOT)) {
JV> + // No it hasn't.
JV> +
JV> + // make sure setProperties() and setId() are called
JV> + // once per UIViewRoot instance.
JV> + setProperties(parentComponent);
Why are we calling setProperties unconditionally here? The old version
didn't do this. Why must we do it now? This looks like a bugfix that
is orthogonal to the portlet problem, is it not?
JV> + if (null != this.id) {
JV> + parentComponent.setId(this.id);
JV> + }
JV> + parentComponent.getAttributes().put(CURRENT_VIEW_ROOT,
JV> + }
JV> + else if (binding == null) {
JV> + setProperties(parentComponent);
JV> + }
JV> - }
JV> // this is not the first time this tag instance is trying to
JV> // be bound to this UIViewRoot, take no extra action.
JV> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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