Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:36:13 -0700, Adam Winer <adam.winer_at_oracle.com> said:
> EB> If so, how do you make it so the nulling out happens BEFORE the
> EB> parameter setting code?
> AW> We cheat (slightly). Instead of allowing calls to form.submit(),
> AW> we direct everything through a submitForm() call that handles;
> AW> (1) Running client-side validation logic
> AW> (2) Clearing old parameters
> AW> (3) Setting the new parameters
> AW> (4) Submitting the form
> So does your button cause the submitForm() to be called as well, rather
> than letting the browser submit the form for you as a natural result of
> the button press?
Yes, exactly.
-- Adam
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