>>>>> On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 18:01:13 -0500, Jacob Hookom <jacob_at_hookom.net> said:
JH> Ryan,
JH> Everything looks good, I would flip the <property> imports to first load
JH> the user's local properties first since it would allow them to override
JH> settings used in the build.properties. This would also exclude the need
JH> to remove <property> imports:
JH> <property file="${user.home}/build.properties" />
JH> <property file="local.properties"/>
JH> <property file="build.properties"/>
JH> <property file="../local.properties"/>
JH> <property file="../build.properties"/>
JH> This way, we still remove the redundant build.properties files, but
JH> still allow for the property values to be overridden in the user.home,
JH> and in a property files created in each module. In addition, it is
JH> common to allow a local.properties to be used instead of modifying the
JH> provided build.properties.
But we don't provide a build.properties. We just provide a
build.properties.sample. I'm +1 for the re-ordering but -1 for adding
JH> I think the base library path is an excellent idea. The only thing I
JH> would change is all of the hardcoded versioning used. Instead use a
JH> wild card on the JAR locations in filesets like **/*.jar. This way when
JH> developers download the newest cactus and try to build, they don't have
JH> to muck with version numbers on all of the properties.
I understand the sentiment behind your request, but the hard-coded
versioning is actually a feature. We want to declare exactly what
versions are known to work.
JH> base.library.path=/some/path
JH> .. build.xml
JH> <fileset dir="${base.library.path}" includes="**/*.jar" />
JH> I don't think it would hurt to get more libraries than needed for
JH> compilation, possibly instead define 'cactus.library.path' in the
JH> build.properties so we can isolate versioning to one property
JH> instead of all of the contained Jars (cactus, cactus-ant,
JH> httpclient, aspectjrt, etc). I would think the same could apply to
JH> pulling jars from the JWSDP with it's common lib directories.
I'd also like to be cautious because we need to build with the J2EE SDK
as our platform, rather than the JWSDP.
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