>>>>> On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 18:22:22 -0400, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> said:
RL> Based on suggestion by Craig(?) this change bundle does the
RL> following: Using stylesheets, the jsf-ri-config.xml and
RL> standard-html-renderkit.xml files are merged into one document
RL> (jsf-ri-runtime.xml). Once the merge is complete, another
RL> stylesheet is applied which removes all tool related metadata.
RL> NOTE: jsf-ri-config.xml and standard-html-renderkit.xml (and its
RL> associated entities) remain included in the JAR as is.
RL> RI and Demo unit tests pass (TCK in progress though I don't suspect
RL> there will be a problem).
I wanted this for 1.0, but it's good to have it now.
I'll leave it up to Jayashri if she wants to accept it for 1.1_01, but
here is my review.
RL> SECTION: Modified Files
RL> ----------------------------------
RL> M build.xml
RL> - added target to apply the xslt stylesheets to the existing
RL> RI configuration files to create one runtime configuration
RL> file used by the ConfigureListener
RL> M src/com/sun/faces/config/ConfigureListener.java
RL> - Modified the parsing sequence to look for the jsf-ri-runtime.xml
RL> file instead of the jsf-ri-config.xml and standard-html-renderkit.xml
RL> files
RL> A conf/xslt/jsf-merge-config.xsl
RL> - merges the jsf-ri-config.xml and standard-html-renderkit.xml
RL> A conf/xslt/jsf-prune-tool-data.xsl
RL> - removes the tool metadata
Why restrict the stylesheet just to those metadata elements that happen
to exist in the standard-html-renderkit.xml? For example, we don't need
attribute-extension, property-extension, suggested-value, icon, just to
name a few. I'd like to see as much pruning as possible.
r=edburns, thanks for doing this.
| ed.burns_at_sun.com | {home: 407 294 2468, office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640}
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