Re: REVIEW - Issue 26 - Tightly Coupled Renderer Dependencies

From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:11:45 -0400

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> Remember what *my* problem is ... I want *your* CommandLinkRenderer to
> work inside *my* FormRenderer. Without a spec requirement that tells
> me *how* to do the "allow" thing, there is no way for *my*
> FormRenderer to know what to do in a manner that will also work with
> MyFaces (just as an example), or any other JSF implementation that
> does not use the RI's code.

Speaking of MyFaces - they have the same tightly coupled dependency
between their FormRenderer/CommandLinkRenderer - go figure ;-)

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