Looking for more issues, according to the javadoc of the public review, I
found UIWebsocket has "port" property. It should be removed, because the
URL is customized in ViewHandler. The spec documentation and the vdldoc is
ok, so the only place we need to fix is UIWebsocket. I can't find where
these two constants:
I was expecting them in ViewHandler.
Leonardo Uribe
2017-02-01 16:11 GMT-05:00 Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>:
> >>>>> On Tue, 31 Jan 2017 22:24:13 +0100, Bauke Scholtz <balusc_at_gmail.com>
> said:
> EB> I suspect Bauke did that for a reason, but I would like to ask him to
> EB> make it be the same as Ajax, if possible. Bauke?
> B> Not a technical reason really. It was just a coding style which
> B> advocates encapsulation. It's possible to revert it to global
> B> style. I only wonder if I should create a spec or impl issue on this.
> Please create an impl issue and do the work in the MOJARRA_2_3X_ROLLING
> branch. Once it is safely integrated, please use git apply <patch> to
> apply it to master.
> >> Bauke, can we remove this? I can factually state it is not used
> anywhere.
> B> Indeed, it was a leftover of the initial proof of concept. It can
> safely be
> B> removed.
> Can you do this also in the same commit as the above work?
> Thanks,
> Ed
> --
> | edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
> | 24 business days until planned start of JSF 2.3 Final Approval Ballot
> | 14 business days until DevNexus 2017
> | 39 business days until JavaLand 2017