[jsr372-experts mirror] Re: Status of JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1238

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 11:46:33 -0500

Hi Thomas

2017-01-05 11:11 GMT-05:00 Thomas Andraschko <>:

> Hi all,
> i provided the PR here:
> Feel free to review and merge!
The problem I have is I can't touch Mojarra code since I'm on MyFaces side.
So I need the changes to be applied by a third party in Mojarra.

> About Leo's additional feature:
> 1) ResolveComponent - Could you please also add a javadoc here, Leo?

I'm working on it, I'll send you the javadoc soon.

> 2) ContextualStorage/InstanceInfo - it's a copy of DS. Can we just add
> them to mojarra with this license header etc.?

Since everything in the code is apache software license v2 (ASL), and the
license is very liberal, you can change the headers to be CDDL. For
example, when facelets was included in JSF 2, the code was released under
ASL 2, but once included in Mojarra the headers were changed to the license
used in Mojarra.

> 3) "viewTransient" - is it really a view-transient-scoped or just a
> "FacesContextScoped"? Personally i like the FacesContextScoped naming
> better.
> Maybe we could also migrate this feature from "impl" to "api" for 2.4.
It is view transient scope. The thing here is when
FacesContext.setViewRoot(...) is called, the scope changes.

I do not want to go that far, even if the scope could be useful. The
important thing is add @ResolveComponent annotation in the spec and fix
UIComponent injection in CDI beans once for all, since this has been a
problem without solution for many, many years. It was only recently that I
found a way to fix it, and with the Search Expression API we have
everything we need to get it done.


Leonardo Uribe

> Regards,
> Thomas
> 2017-01-04 19:14 GMT+01:00 Leonardo Uribe <>:
>> Hi Thomas
>> I have checked a part of the javadoc, it looks good, and the tests looks
>> good too.
>> I would like to ask you a favor. I have been working on a CDI annotation
>> that uses this API to bind components into CDI beans. Attached to this mail
>> there is the code implementing this feature. It would be great if you can
>> help with this and include it in the branch you are working on in Mojarra,
>> since this feature relies on the API you are working on to locate the
>> component and create the proxy.
>> Could you please take a look at the code attached to this mail and if you
>> have some time please include it in Mojarra with the Search Expression API?
>> Thanks a lot for your attention.
>> regards,
>> Leonardo Uribe
>> 2016-12-27 15:53 GMT-05:00 Thomas Andraschko <
>> >:
>>> Hi all,
>>> today i commited a 90% finished version of JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1238
>>> in my fork:
>>> Whats currently missing:
>>> - JavaDoc on class SearchExpressionHandler / SearchKeywordResolver
>>> - Improving javadocs
>>> - Integration in existing components (f:ajax, h:outputLabel, ...)
>>> - new hint for composite and cc:editableValueHolder; currently discussing with Leo
>>> - integration test for existing components
>>> I think the best example to describe the API is the unit test, which
>>> contains ~40 tests (90% of the test cases of the PrimeFaces implementation):
>>> 57d99131cf54148c7dbff99a/test/unit/src/test/java/javax/faces
>>> /component/
>>> If anyone would like to review, please do!
>>> If anything works as expected, it will by finished by end of the week.
>>> Regards,
>>> Thomas