[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Explicit activation of new features in 2.3?

From: arjan tijms <>
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 15:14:27 +0100


In JSF 2.3 multiple switches are present at the moment to enable 2.3
features. While some of them are understandable, others are more difficult
to understand.

The one I find difficult to understand is this one:



This is to enable the new f:validateWholeBean tag.

It's explicitly mentioned in the taglib doc:

            If this parameter is not set, or is set to false, this tag
            must be a no-op.

Can someone help me understand why a new tag needs to be enabled? This
can't possibly clash with existing behavior, can it?

Then there are 2 more general switches.

As for the following methods:


these depend on faces-config.xml's version being set to 2.3. If it's not
exact "2.3", they will not look for the corresponding artifacts with the
managed=true attribute set on their annotations. Since the existing (JSF
2.2 and earlier) annotations did not have this attribute, I wonder why this
switch is needed here.

Then if that aren't enough switches, there's also the following:


This on its turn makes sure that an exception is thrown when someone
attempts to inject any of the new injectable artefacts.

E.g. without this setting, the following will throw at runtime:

private Map<String, Object> applicationMap;

Another use of this setting is that without it (or with value set to
false), the EL resolver for the implicit JSF 2.2 variables will use the
native resolver, otherwise the CDI EL resolver will be used.

I think it might be better to have a JSF 2.3 be JSF 2.3 by default, and
then allow to selectively set certain features to their 2.2 behavior.

Additionally, with the current setup the difference between
javax.faces.ENABLE_CDI_RESOLVER_CHAIN and the "2.3" in the faces-config.xml
file to enabled different 2.3 features seems a bit arbitrary.


Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms