On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 5:44 AM, Leonardo Uribe <leonardo.uribe_at_irian.at> wrote:
> In JSF 2.2 it was specified that @ViewScoped
> beans are saved on server (http session), but that causes
> a problem in cases where you need to save the bean on the
> client (session expiration destroy bean but the view could
> be loaded from the client).
Absolutely, this is a good point in my opinion.
As far as the process is concerned I would be okay with creating a
separate issue for this, but I'd love to see an @ViewScoped that has
the flexibility to set where the state associated with it is saved, as
per the following options:
1. Follow the state saving setting applicable for that view (be it via
a pattern or as global setting) - this is what it used to be.
2. Always session - this is what it's now
3. Always client - new option
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms