[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: [JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1007] Discussion - Explicit support for dynamic component tree manipulation
Josh Juneau
> On Sep 4, 2015, at 12:07 PM, manfred riem <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> While I understand the underpinning desire here I do not want to go beyond adding the following statement to UIComponent:
> "Dynamically modifying the component tree can happen at any time, during and after restoring the view, but not during state saving and needs to function properly with respect to rendering and state saving"
> If you can agree with this then I would like to add this to the class Javadoc of UIComponent.
> Please respond before 9/11.
> Thanks!
> Kind regards,
> Manfred Riem