[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Partial Execution with Non-Ajax

From: Michael Müller <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:58:18 +0100

Hi Cagatay,

sounds iunteresting, but...

Am 15.01.2015 um 10:48 schrieb Cagatay Civici:
> Hi,
> I wonder why partial lifecycle execution is only specific to ajax requests?
> What can’t we do something like;
> <h:commandButton execute=“@this someinput” value=“Cancel” />
> It should be easy to support by sending a parameter to the server and override isPartial() in PartialViewContext.
... how do you want to send the request to the server without using
Ajax? Using an IFrame???
If you send this as "normal" request, how would you handle the answer?
Usually thw browser would display the return as (new) page. And a I
understand your suggestion, you simply like to receive a partial answer
to modify the existing DOM.
IMHO you need a pice of software to receive this partial answer and to
modify the DOM. This piece will be written using JavaScript and, voilà,
we're using Ajax. Or I'm missing something?

On the other hand, it's seems to be a nice syntax replacement for

<h:commandButton value=“Cancel”>

<f:ajax execute=“@this someinput”/>
> Do I miss something?
> Regards,
> Cagatay Civici
> PrimeFaces Lead
> PrimeTek Informatics