API constants should stay constants. Otherwise this would break things
relying on API constants and make them harder to reuse globally via a
library. For example
http://showcase.omnifaces.org/scripts/FixViewState is
relying on this constant.
Cheers, B
On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 6:26 PM, Hazem Saleh <HAZEMS_at_eg.ibm.com> wrote:
> -1 I agree with Neil.
> Thanks and Best regards,
> _________________________ ___________
> *Hazem Saleh*
> Advisory Software Engineer
> Certified Expert IT Specialist L2
> ...................................................................................................................................
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> From: Neil Griffin <neil.griffin_at_portletfaces.org>
> To: jsr372-experts_at_javaserverfaces-spec-public.java.net,
> Date: 01/12/2015 06:58 PM
> Subject: [jsr372-experts] Re: [SPEC-523] Make the name of
> 'javax.faces.ViewState' configurable
> ------------------------------
> There are other hidden fields including “javax.faces.encodedURL” and
> “javax.faces.ClientWindow"
> And when f:ajax triggers and XHR, there are standard parameters added to
> the request such as “javax.faces.partial.ajax"
> If we made the name “javax.faces.ViewState” configurable, wouldn’t we need
> to make the others configurable too?
> At this time I think the benefit does not outweigh the drawback.
> -1
> On Jan 12, 2015, at 11:29 AM, arjan tijms <*arjan.tijms_at_gmail.com*
> <arjan.tijms_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I do agree with the motivation behind the request; indeed, looking for
> "ViewState" is basically the first thing I do to discover if a site is
> using JSF. In fact, a couple of sites that I suggested for the real
> life JSF page were discovered by looking at this.
> I do wonder how feasible it is these days to totally hide the fact
> that a site is using JSF, given a couple of other giveaways like the
> standard jsf AJAX script and known scripts and CSS styles from several
> popular component libraries. Some patterns like the form name as
> hidden parameter and the client ID pattern of components (even when
> the default colon separator is changed to something else) are hints as
> well.
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 5:16 PM, manfred riem <*manfred.riem_at_oracle.com*
> <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> What is the general feeling about making the "javax.faces.ViewState" name
> configurable?
> Thoughts?
> Manfred