[jsr372-experts mirror] [jsr372-experts] Re: Url mapping

From: Frank Caputo <>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 20:51:30 +0100

Hi Ed,

I think, the only thing, the servlet spec can do for us (and for MVC), is supporting the JAX-RS @Path syntax somehow. This syntax should be available for servlet mappings. Then it could be parsed by the servlet implementation directly. Now the parsed parameters should be made available similar to query parameters:
- Iterable<String> ServletRequest.getPathParameterNames()
- String getPathParameter(String name)
- Map<String, String> getPathParameterMap()

We also need to know the mapping to map to the view or what MVC wants to map to:
- ServletRequest.getMapping()

Ciao Frank

Am 10.11.2014 um 23:51 schrieb Edward Burns <>:

>>>>>> On Mon, 3 Nov 2014 23:50:11 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <> said:
> AT> I agree with this. The pattern where meta data is specified with the
> AT> artifact to which it applies instead of in some central file certainly
> AT> looks to be the most popular way now (see also my recent mail to this
> AT> list regarding 1196-faceletTagConveniences). Just think of the URL
> AT> specified in @WebServlet for Servlets or @Path for JAX-RS.
> LU> There are some problems with this I would like to mention:
> Leonardo, I share your skepticism of the merits of this proposal.
> Especially when we consider that we could propose something to the
> servlet EG, the broad changes included in this proposal require much
> more refinement and discussion, and prototyping.
> My first impression is that this idea would be better served in the MVC
> spec.
> Ed
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