[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: HTML5 friendly markup (fix inconsistencies and documentation review)

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:21:40 -0500


Michael Kurz has created this issue to deal with this problem:


Leonardo Uribe

2014-03-18 21:37 GMT-05:00 Leonardo Uribe <>:
> Hi
> Recently in MyFaces Core 2.2.1 it was found some inconsistencies over the
> documentation done for HTML5 friendly markup (javadoc of TagDecorator and
> JSF 2.2 section 10.1.4). There are basically 2 problems, that I will
> describe below. I have fixed them in MyFaces Core 2.2.2.
> The first problem is the documentation and the purpose of <jsf:element ...>
> tag is not very clear for the reader. In JSF 2.2 section page
> 10-8 it says something like this:
> "...
> <meter jsf:id="meter2" min="#{bean.min}" max="#{bean.max}"
> value="350">350 degrees</meter>
> ...
> As in the preceding example, the TagDecorator mechanism is activated but it
> is determined that this component should act as a <jsf:element> component
> for the purposes of postback processing. The behavior of the <jsf:element>
> is normatively specified in the VDLdoc for that tag. The behavior of the
> javax.faces.passthrough.Element renderer is normatively specified in the
> RenderKitDoc for that renderer ..."
> In the javadoc of TagDecorator it says something like this:
> "...
> If one or more of the attributes of the tag argument are in the
> namespace, obtain a reference to decoratedTag as
> described in the following steps and iterate through the list of
> TagDecorator instances as described in the preceding step, but pass
> decoratedTag to each call to decorate(javax.faces.view.facelets.Tag).
> ...
> * If no matching entry is found, let jsf:element be the value of
> targetTag ..."
> In few words, it is clear that TagDecorator converts something like
> <meter ... into <jsf:element pt:elementName="meter" ... . That's ok.
> The problem is what happen to their attributes. This is what the
> javadoc of TagDecorator says about how to convert the attributes:
> "... If the current attribute's namespace is empty or different from
> the argument tag's namespace, let the current attribute be
> convertedTagAttribute. This will have the effect of setting the
> current attribute as an attribute on the attributes map of the
> UIComponent instance represented by this markup. ..."
> This mean that the tag is translated from this:
> <meter jsf:id="meter2" min="#{bean.min}" max="#{bean.max}"
> value="350">350 degrees</meter>
> to this:
> <jsf:element pt:elementName="meter" id="meter2" min="#{bean.min}"
> max="#{bean.max}" value="350">350 degrees</jsf:element>
> Take a look at what happened to min, max and value attributes. Applying
> the rule written in the spec, the attributes are copied to the component
> attribute map. According to the spec, the resulting output will be this:
> <meter id="meter2">350 degrees</meter>
> Where are the attributes? in the component attribute map like the spec says.
> The renderkit javadoc of javax.faces.passthrough.Element doesn't mention
> anything about process the attributes in attribute map. What the user
> expect is something like this:
> <meter id="meter2" min="1" max="400" value="350">350 degrees</meter>
> But trying the example with Mojarra 2.2.6 or earlier, it works as the user
> expect. How? I did a black box test and it seems the attributes are copied
> somehow into the passthrough attribute map, so once the attributes are not
> rendered and the tag is closed, they are rendered as passthrough
> attributes. It is clear the intention, so I just fixed it in MyFaces, but
> the problem is a behavior like that needs to be documented in TagDecorator.
> The solution applied in MyFaces was add the necessary lines in TagDecorator
> to duplicate the attribute so now the final component looks like this:
> <jsf:element pt:elementName="meter" id="meter2" min="#{bean.min}"
> p:min="#{bean.min}" max="#{bean.max}" p:max="#{bean.max}"
> value="350" p:value="350">350 degrees</jsf:element>
> It is not the best we can do, since the renderer never changes for the
> component and the attributes of jsf:element can be defined it could be better
> to set the remaining attributes in the passthrough attribute map by default,
> but it will work well in any case and the overhead is minimal if PSS algorithm
> is properly implemented.
> The second problem is related to the attributes declared for jsf:element.
> The taglib javadoc of jsf:element has these attributes:
> * onclick
> * ondblclick
> * onmousedown
> * onmouseup
> * onmouseover
> * onmousemove
> * onmouseout
> * onkeypress
> * onkeydown
> * onkeyup
> The same javadoc says something like this too:
> "... The component that backs this element must implement
> javax.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorHolder and return "click" from
> its getDefaultEventName() method. The list of events returned from its
> getEventNames() method must include the "on*" attributes below, ommitting
> the leading "on". ..."
> That's ok. Now try something like this:
> <div jsf:id="box1">
> <f:ajax render="..." event="click"/>
> </div>
> It doesn't work in Mojarra 2.2.6 and earlier versions. I think according to
> the spec documentation a case like the previous one should work, but it gets
> my attention the fact that the list of attributes that are subject to be
> target of client behavior are fixed. Please note the behavior of these
> attributes are quite predictable. It should be something that allows you to
> customize this part, but at least the following attributes should be there
> too:
> * onload (supported by <body>, <frame>, <frameset>, <iframe>, <img>,
> <input type="image">, <link>, <script>, <style>)
> * onunload (supported by <body>, <frameset>)
> Theoretically it doesn't matter if all valid names for html event are
> part of jsf:element. I have added onload/onunload in MyFaces 2.2.2, since it
> is quite easy to do so and it doesn't affect anything.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe