>>>>> On Thu, 8 Nov 2012 07:00:45 -0800, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com> said:
EB> Hello JSF Spec Volunteers,
EB> About 42 hours ago I received an email from the JCP asking that Michael
EB> Mueller be accepted to join our Volunteer Group. Per JCP 2.8, I am
EB> bringing his nomination before you all. Here is what I can get from the
EB> JCP web site.
EB> 8<--------------------
EB> Qualifications: Working with JSF for about 5 years now.
EB> First big JSF project had been webgrouper.swissdrg.org
EB> Currently implementing daten.inek.org.
EB> Implemented some small projects in spare time e.g it-rezension.de
EB> Expertise of Organization: Working with JSF for about 5 years now.
EB> First big JSF project had been webgrouper.swissdrg.org
EB> Currently implementing daten.inek.org.
EB> Implemented some small projects in spare time e.g it-rezension.de
EB> Hours/week: up to 6
EB> 8<--------------------
EB> Now, as we are at a very late stage in the game, I'm not inclined to
EB> accept someone who I don't already know from prior experience and
EB> collaboration. Does any know Mr. Mueller?
Hello Volunteers,
Unfortunately there was no feedback here about Hr. Mueller here.
However, because Michael waged an effective twitter campaign, and gave a
favorable response to my questions in email, I have agreed to let him
join our volunteer group. His official status from JCP is still pending
but I have added him to this list.
Welcome Michael, now get to work! There's not much time left!
Michael, to get warmed up as a volunteer, can you please take a look at
Ken Finnigan's [1144-ResourceWrapperExternalizable] PROPOSAL thread [1]?
I've already vetted this proposal before Ken brought it here, but only
reliable Neil has replied since then. Can you give it a look in and
| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage: | http://ridingthecrest.com/
[1] http://java.net/projects/javaserverfaces-spec-public/lists/jsr344-experts/archive/2012-11/message/54