[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: [1142-ResourceLibraryContracts] How the property is used (was: [971-MultiTemplate])

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 22:31:08 -0500

2012/11/12 Edward Burns <>:
>>>>>> On Mon, 12 Nov 2012 20:50:55 +0100, Frank Caputo <> said:
> FC> Am 09.11.2012 um 23:11 schrieb Edward Burns <>:
> EB> CONDITIONALLY_RESOLVED: Any directory within contracts in the webapp
> EB> root or within META-INF/contracts on the classpath is taken to be a
> EB> resource library contract.
> FC> Where do I put resources belonging to the contract? Under
> FC> META-INF/contracts/foo/resources or
> FC> META-INF/resources/contracts/foo?
> I was thinking it would be
> <root>contracts/foo
> or
> META-INF/contracts/foo
> directly.
> LU> Ok. Note that resources inside this folder probably should be handler
> LU> in a similar
> LU> way as resources inside META-INF/resources
> Exactly.
> EB> SECTION: Encoding Resource Library Contracts
> EB>
> EB> When encoding resources from a resource library contract so they can be
> EB> served during resource requests, there is no need for the system to be
> EB> aware of the fact that the resource is from a resource library contract.
> EB> The existing Resource.getRequestPath() is sufficient.
> FC> So getRequestPath() will include the contract prefix?
> Ahh, good catch, yes. I had this in one revision, but it slipped out. We
> have will have a new query param, "con=" that will be the contract id.
> LU> I like the idea. Use a different folder has sense, because a resource library
> LU> contract uses an "extended model" than the one for normal jsf resource
> LU> libraries, but in some parts it has a similar behavior.
> LU> But note find the available contracts can be an expensive
> LU> operation. In JSF 2.0, the concept of library/resource versions was
> LU> added, but because an implementation detail about jar files (it is
> LU> not possible to scan a folder without read the whole jar file), it
> LU> was necessary to disable that concept when used inside jar files
> LU> (META-INF/resources).
> Yes, we did have to avoid versions in jar files for that reason.
> LU> Anyway, it is possible to scan for resource library contracts only at startup
> LU> time. When a resource request path is resolved, this scan should be avoided.
> LU> Probably, as an implementation detail in MyFaces it will be necessary to
> LU> provide SPI interfaces to customize this detail, as it has been done previously
> LU> in other similar cases.
> Good.
> [...]
> EB> SECTION: changes to the FaceletCache
> EB> Frank tried to explain this to me in a hangout we had, but I still
> EB> struggle to understand how to articulate the change that must be made
> EB> with respect to the FaceletCache. I think the resolution we reached was
> EB> that we would have to have a FaceletCache instance for each contrac.
> EB> Frank I need your help on this part for sure.
> FC> The problem is that the facelets compiler puts the facelet
> FC> (e.g. home.xhtml) and the template together. So we must ensure that
> FC> we get 2 instances for 2 different contracts for the facelet. I
> FC> solved this problem with a FaceletFactory for each prefix
> FC> (contract). I'm not sure, if a FaceletCache instance for each
> FC> contract is sufficient. We should asap start prototyping this to be
> FC> sure.
> LU> Now I get it. In theory, FaceletCache uses an URL to identify in a
> LU> unique way a facelet, but this URL in practice is the one related to
> LU> the physical resource to be served. So, it does not matter if there
> LU> are two different contracts with the same facelet name, internally
> LU> the resources are located in different places and the URL stored in
> LU> FaceletCache will be always different.
> LU> But there is another problem already mentioned related to how
> LU> facelet resources are resolved, that needs to be fixed. In few
> LU> words, if a template is in /dirA/a.xhtml and there is an entry like
> LU> this:
> LU> <ui:decorate template="b.xhtml"/>
> LU> the related resource should be in /dirA/b.xhtml . Right now,
> LU> facelets try to derive the path using the url of the facelet that
> LU> has the reference. Instead, we should provide a way to resolve those
> LU> scenarios in a clean way. That's the reason why we need
> LU> createViewResource(). Once facelet has derived the alternate view
> LU> resource location, it should call createViewResource() to get the
> LU> Resource instance and get the right URL to use in FaceletCache.
> LU> In that order of ideas, we only need one FaceletCache (with the fix
> LU> over composite components).
> What fix are you talking about?
> LU> Is it possible to load/unload resource library contracts when the application
> LU> is running? If it is not, one FaceletCache per app is enough, otherwise, it is
> LU> necessary to define a "lifecycle" for facelet instances stored in
> LU> the cache.
> I think we can safely say that is not possible.
> LU> I think we have discussed before the need of solve some issues related to
> LU> FaceletCache. For example, in MyFaces there are 3 types of facelets
> LU> (Mojarra has 2):
> LU> - Normal Facelet :
> LU> - View Metadata Facelet : Calculates metadata info about a view.
> LU> - Composite Component Metadata Facelet : Calculates metadata info about
> LU> a composite component.
> LU> I strongly think FaceletCache needs to be updated to include the third type,
> LU> even if Mojarra does not use it. But that's another history.
> Please file an issue about that.

I have created this issue for this one:


> LU> What's important here is if the assumption that if it is possible to
> LU> add and remove resource library contract on runtime.
> I think we can safely say that it's not possible.
> EB> ACTION: Can someone please verify that this is the only change I need to
> EB> make to ResourceHandler? In other words, none of the createResource()
> EB> methods need to be changed, only createViewResource().
> FC> If we only want to do it for facelets, we would be done. But I
> FC> thought this feature is about replacing any resource. If so we must
> FC> also touch the other createResource* methods.
> Yes, we do want to do it for all kinds of resource. Frank, can you
> sketch out some text for the other createResource*() methods?
> LU> Is it possible to use @ResourceDependency annotation to load a resource
> LU> inside a resource library contract implementation? if the answer is yes, we need
> LU> to do modifications in createResource() methods (META-INF/contracts is an
> LU> alternate package type).
> Yes, it is possible to do that.
> [...]
> EB> SECTION: changes to the ui: facelet tags
> EB> <ui:composition> and <ui:decorate> will have an additional attribute,
> EB> contract. If present, that name is taken to indicate that the named
> EB> template must be used from the named resource library contract. If such
> EB> a template is not found, it is an error, even if there is such a
> EB> template available outside of contract.
> FC> If the contract were just a prefix for the resources, we could
> FC> simply reference the template absolutely (including the prefix).
> LU> but if that so, there is no definition of the contract, which means
> LU> the reusability will be limited. I'm not saying that we cannot do
> LU> that, but in this case, I think it is clear this concept helps to
> LU> keep things in order from start.
> I understand the desire for that simplicity, but I'd rather formalize it
> with an attribute. It's more toolable that way.
> EB> ACTION: Will this assertion hold true if the contract itself has
> EB> components that have @ResourceDependencies on resources inside and
> EB> outside of the library? I think it will, but I need some oversight.
> LU> I agree with you. The important part here is define the precedence (which one
> LU> is scanned first, a library in META-INF/resources or a library in
> LU> META-INF/contracts, but at the end, since there will not be a library with the
> LU> same name in both folders, there is no need to worry about).
> We can say that contracts is scanned first.
> Ed
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