[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] [802-HiddenInlineFrameUpload] How to identify as "ajax" on server?

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 06:42:07 -0800

>>>>> On Thu, 8 Nov 2012 10:30:39 +0100, Werner Punz <> said:

WP> So for MyFaces the encoding issue does not seem to be a limitation and the
WP> strategy definitely works. But I dont know how Mojarra behaves.
WP> Therefore a question back, would it be possible to shift the first
WP> isAjaxRequest call after the initView call for Mojarra
WP> so that the request encoding is set before to bypass the limitation? Or
WP> does Mojarra behave like that anyway and Jim just wanted to leave the door
WP> open here for future implementation details?

I really don't want to mess with that. I'd like to leave that call
where it is.


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