[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Public Review Draft comments #1

From: Kito Mann <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:33:19 -0500

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Edward Burns <>wrote:

> >>>>> On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:15:07 -0500, Kito Mann <>
> said:
> >>
> KM> Also, according to this, view-scoped and flow-scoped beans are not
> >> eligible
> KM> for resource injection. Is that accurate?
> >>
> >> Yes, that is correct. I will clarify that.
> >>
> KM> Is there a way we can avoid this limitation? Are they not eligible for
> KM> resource injection and the other Java EE annotations? If so, that's a
> big
> KM> deal, because ViewScope is most popular scope I see these days.
> They will be injectable if they are CDI beans, but I wasn't going to
> require them to be injectable if they are javax.faces.bean beans. Is
> that ok?

Not even for @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy? Isn't that supported today for
view-scoped beans?

> Ed
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