[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Feedback over JSF 2.2 spec

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 22:55:13 -0500


Here there are some observations found in the spec:

- h:dataTable tag documentation does not have rowStatePreserved, but if it
  was created in JSF 2.1 UIData.

- Shouldn't be possible to define TagDecorator in faces-config.xml under
  <faces-config-extension><facelets-processing> ? In my opinion it has a
  lot of sense, because with a custom TagDecorator you can for example
  convert an <input type="email"/> into an <x:email >, which could simplify
  facelets markup. Define this with only one web config has the problem that
  you need to define this in your webapp. With an entry in faces-config.xml,
  it is possible to provide a jar file with the TagDecorator implementation
  and it will be loaded automatically.

- It is possible to apply multiple TagDecorator implementations? If that so,
how can you disable or replace the default implementation? Is a good idea
to provide a TagDecoratorFactory?.

- JSF 2.1 section has a typo error:


- If javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver was deprecated, what's the
  meaning of add @FaceletsResourceResolver ? Maybe what we are looking for
  is @FaceletsResourceHandler, since ResourceHandler is now dealing with the
  job of locate views using createViewResource(FacesContext, String) ?

I'll keep looking into the spec, but that's all I have for now.


Leonardo Uribe