[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: Re: [1089-PassThroughAttributes] JSON dependency: OK?

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 13:24:19 -0700

>>>>> On Thu, 28 Jun 2012 10:29:44 -0700 (PDT), Phil Webb <> said:

PW> I would prefer to not see a mandatory dependency but don't have a
PW> big problem with optional dependency. Still, my gut feeling is that
PW> adding a jsonToMap() function is something that the developer should
PW> be doing themselves for now rather than being provided.

PW> Perhaps in the future, when JSR-353 is final, passThroughAttributes
PW> could be changed to support JSON Strings directly?

EB> I'm in the process of finding out the status of JSR-353 relative to
EB> EE7.

It is planned to be in for EE7.

EB> In the meantime, I propose we modify the spec for this function to
EB> say that it is only required to work in containers that have a JSON
EB> parser available. Given how strongly the community feels about
EB> this, and how isolated and self-contained it is, I'd like to leave
EB> it in.

EB> Does that sound good?

PW> That sounds good to me.

FC> +1

>>>>> On Fri, 29 Jun 2012 18:09:45 +0200, Bernd Müller <> said:

BM> sounds good for me

>>>>> On Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:38:11 -0400, Kito Mann <> said:

KM> +1

>>>>> On Fri, 29 Jun 2012 18:56:08 +0200, Imre Oßwald <> said:

IO> +1

>>>>> On Fri, 29 Jun 2012 10:43:54 -0700, Blake Sullivan <> said:

B> I don't have a vote, but it seems kind of weird to specify this in JSF
B> 2.2 and then say that this only works on a container that ships with
B> such an implementation. The fact that this code is so self-contained
B> screams out that it does not need to be in the specification. Instead
B> we should be creating a bucket of everything that we want to do that has
B> a dependency on EE7 and if we have copious time to work on designing
B> those features instead of cleaning up everything we have talked about in
B> JSF 2.2, we can and we can do a quickie JSF 2.3 release as a follow on
B> to EE7. In general, I would rather have one good feature than ten
B> poorly specified features that will haunt us forever.

B> I understand the allure of working on nice self-contained features, but
B> if those features don't need to be in the spec we probably shouldn't be
B> spending time on them for two reasons:

B> 1) The opportunity cost--the time we spend talking about, specifying and
B> implementing these features is time we don't spend solving problems that
B> our customers can not solve themselves

B> 2) If we let a third party go first, we can leverage their experience
B> and avoid specifying the wrong behavior.

B> 3) When features don't clearly fall in our bailiwick, there is a risk of
B> contention with other parts of the EE platform. For example, I could
B> easily see the EL specification wanting to specify a number of these
B> kinds of EL functions.

This is a tough call. I hate to pull it out because it is so
self-contained, but Phil and Blake are right that it's wrong to ask
users to gather such detailed information about their implementation
just so they can use a feature.

Considering that JSR-353 is planned for EE7, perhaps we can put it back.

I'll take it out (again) and make the source available on the issue
tracker issue for 1089.


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