+1 on this. It was actually a client requirement that drove its
implementation in PrimeFaces. The issue is currently targeted for 2.2 (
http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES-1841), so we just need to make
sure it's completed for 2.2
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 5:48 AM, Çağatay Çivici <cagatay.civici_at_gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> The general feedback I received from community after adding partialsubmit
> to PrimeFaces is that "This should be a core JSF feature" so I totally
> agree with Werner.
> Here is a working example of what Werner described;
> http://www.primefaces.org/showcase-labs/ui/partialSubmit.jsf
> Regards,
> On 31.May.2012, at 10:05, Werner Punz wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> Just a minor question because Primefaces added that feature and MyFaces
> had it as a config option for ages.
> But I personally think this is a feature which should be part of the spec
> not part of implementation features or component
> set features.
> PPS Ajax submit
> As for now we encode the entire form for the execute parts and send it
> down.
> Wouldn´t just from a minor performance and traffic perspective it being
> better just to send the components
> which actually are executed.
> aka
> <h:form>
> <h:inputText id="component1" .../>
> <h:inputText id="component2" .../>
> <h:inputText id="component3" .../>
> ....
> <h:commandButton ...>
> <f:ajax execute="component1" render="..."
> </h:commandButton>
> this currently encodes component1, component2 and component 3 + the
> viewstate and whatever is in the form
> While in the pps case we only would encode component1 and the viewstate
> Now this should not be the default behavior because it would probably
> break the backwards compatibility in some corner cases
> but how about <f:ajax ... pps="true" /> which enables this.
> I think if you have a bigger number of input components then this could
> give some performance improvement.
> The good side also is that most of the heavy lifting would be on the
> Javascript side of things.
> Werner
> *Çağatay Çivici*
> Principal Consultant
> PrimeFaces Lead | JSF EG Member
> Prime Teknoloji
> Bilkent Cyberpark, A-303d
> 06800 Ankara/Turkey
> Tel: +90 312 265 05 07
> http://www.prime.com.tr