[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] [1111-PassThruElements] DISCUSSION

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 15:05:12 -0700

Hello Experts,

I've had a hard time following the discussion on passthru elements,
mainly because I was trying to *not* follow it because I was trying to
make progress on passthru attributes. To save all of us time, I
nominate Frank Caputo to craft a cohesive and self-contained proposal,
IF he can answer this question. Why do we need pass through elements in
the first place when you can do something like this?

Using page:

<my:componentUsingHtml5 a="b" c="#{d.e}">
  <f:actionListener binding="#{d.f}" />

Defining page:

<cc:interface componentType="javaTopLevelComponent">
  <cc:actionListener ...>
  <cc:attribute >


arbitrary html 5 capable content goes here.


I'd say that if the composite component feature is not up to the task,
then we should improve it rather than inventing more syntax and giving
our detractors more reason to say we're too complex.



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