[jsr344-experts mirror] [jsr344-experts] Re: [996-ConfigurableResourcesDirectory] PROPOSAL

From: Alexander Smirnov <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 16:03:18 -0800

One more context param attribute, with addition to dozens of others...
You recall me my old idea to put all configuration options into single
class, where each option has its own getter, with appropriate validation
and defaults.
It should read all options from context parameters in default
implementation, or can be replaced in faces config by custom class.
RichFaces has such class, and I saw similar in Mijarra implementation. Why
do not move it into public ?

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 1:37 PM, Edward Burns <>wrote:

> How's this for context-params?
> javax.faces.WebAppResourcesDirectory
> If this param is set, it must start with a "/" and the runtime will
> interpret its value to be the path of the resources directory for
> resources packaged in the Web Application Root as specified in section
> 2.6. If not specified, the default value is "/resources".
> javax.faces.ClasspathResourcesDirectory
> If this param is set, it must not start with a "/" and the runtime will
> interpret its value to be the path of the resources directory for
> resources packaged in the classpath as specified in section 2.6. If not
> specified, the default value is "META-INF/resources".
> Ed
> --
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(entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity.)