[jsr344-experts mirror] Tr : Re : [jsr344-experts] Re: Re: Call for votes

From: lamine <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 22:31:56 +0100 (BST)


KP> FYI, I noticed you can only vote for other people's issues, it won't let
KP>you vote for issues you file yourself.

Yes Ken, Jira is very crazy. Obama can vote for himself and we can't vote for
our issues. it is a shame....

On 04/20/2011 02:01 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 20:44:29 -0400, Andy Schwartz<>
> AS> Ed, All -
> AS> Although I found time to review the open issues over the weekend, I have
> AS> been unable to find time to consult with my colleagues here - something
> AS> I very much want to do before voting. It doesn't look like I am going
> AS> to have time to do this tomorrow before the vote closes. Obviously I
> AS> can register my vote tomorrow one way or another, though I would prefer
> AS> to take a little bit more time to get feedback from my teammates.
> AS> I understand the excitement about getting this JSR rolling, so I am
> AS> reluctant to ask this, but... any chance we could extend the vote a bit
> AS> longer - maybe to the end of the week?
> Yes, we can do that. I did just tally the votes and found that 332 had
> been submitted. Attached is a graph of the votes. I was going to use
> this for a blog entry, but now that you have requested more time, I'll
> hold off until all the votes are in.
> Does anyone object to giving Andy more time to get votes in for ADF?
> Ed