
[jsr372-experts] Re: Status for Leonardo

From: Leonardo Uribe <leonardo.uribe_at_irian.at>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2016 20:17:04 -0500

Hi Manfred

MR>> And for 1) and 2) if there is going to be a need for any text in the
MR>>Specification (the PDF document).

I have only seen the PDF from the Early Draft.

1) What have I done:

Most of it has been review the spec snapshots and suggest about
since JSF 2.3 early draft was out, but recently I have been coding the
implementation of search expression API with Thomas Andraschko from
Team. MyFaces alternate implementation of f:websocket is done and the
suggestions has been already discussed on mailing lists.

Below is the list of my involvement in each issue and some comments about
the current status and what I'm expecting about.

- Search Expression API
  Enhance component referencing / findComponent
  Search parent naming containers for component

  And related issues:

  f:ajax doesn't validate client ID anymore - confusing to starters
  Clarify f:ajax execute/render id behavior (closed as fixed, but for me it
is not)
  New Component APIs to manage EL context as it applies to components.

  99% of the implementation is done and reviewed. Thomas is completing
  the final details (documentation, PF tests and other details), so the
  code will be added to Mojarra soon as planned (before deadline
  16/17 December).

- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1433
  Add Option to expand meaning of required="true" for UIInput

  Discussion on the mailing list and propose one possible solution.
  I expect a new web config parameter to be added.

- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-790
  javax.faces.ViewState + PPR does not work out for cross form ppr cases

  Minor comments about parameters. Waiting for Public Review to see the

- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1423
  Dynamic resource loading in ajax requests

  Discussion and corrections over proposals. I ignore how the final solution
  about this issue looks like, so I'm waiting for Public Review to see if
  it is ok or not.

- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1396
  Standardize WebSocket integration with f:websocket

  I have done an alternative implementation in MyFaces, comments has been
  already sent. Waiting for Public Review to see how it looks at the end and
  align MyFaces implementation.

- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1404
  Add API to check if a resource dependency is already rendered

  Comments done. Similar methods exists in MyFaces, so the solution looks

- https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1424
  Tag to declare and import constants in EL scope (f:importConstants)

  Comments done about tag (should be child of f:metadata).

2) I am currently doing:

- Implementing h:commandScript and other spec issues in MyFaces.

3) are not going to do (really?)

There were topics discussed in the mailing list that looks like didn't make
it for JSF 2.3. Remember I can't touch Mojarra code. Instead, I can only
act as a "cheerleader" for some issues that to my eyes looks relevant,
hoping to convince some EG member to add the relevant lines.

   [jsr372-experts] Improvements for ajax update (related to Handling Focus
after Ajax update)

    The related spec issues are:

        Allow components to emit ajax xml
        Allow ajax response short-circuit/override
        Ajax rendering lifecycle for components half broken + Solution.

    If you remember the discussion, the idea was to add to
UIComponent/Renderer this

    public void encodePartial(FacesContext context, PartialResponseWriter

    There are a lot of use cases:

    - Add javascript/css using prwriter.startEval(...) that could require
the component
    to work.
    - Simplify ajax update if only one or two attributes has changed (ok we
can't change
    attributes bound to event listeners but once the view is built how
often do they
    really change?).
    - Execute an script to load some information in the component (embed
JSON, update
    the state, set a flag, ...).

    The discussion involved how to serve JSON responses from components.

    Instead, changes on the spec were done to add scripts (
    PartialViewContext.getEvalScripts() ? ), but the point is this does not
help to avoid
    the <update> in ajax and replace it with something else.


Leonardo Uribe

2016-12-09 11:48 GMT-05:00 manfred riem <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>:

> Hi Leonardo,
> Can you please tell me what JIRA issues you
> 1) have done
> 2) are currently doing (and which can be completed and which cannot)
> 3) are not going to do
> And for 1) and 2) if there is going to be a need for any text in the
> Specification (the PDF document).
> Kind regards,
> Manfred Riem