
[jsr372-experts] Re: [ADMIN] Call for JIRA scrubbing

From: Leonardo Uribe <leonardo.uribe_at_irian.at>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 20:01:58 -0500


This is my Top 5 of issues that are easy to solve but still give value
to JSF spec (The "Top low hanging fruit" or "Top papaya issues" to fix):

    Add @ClientWindowScoped
    Reason: It works in the same way as @ViewScoped or @FlowScoped. It just
    copy/paste what we already have.

    Support new Html5 events like oninput
    Reason: Align spec to Html5

    Allow specify node-on-return in flow call node
    Reason: Totally justified case. Just a couple of lines in
    NavigationHandler and update faces-config.xml and that's it. There is
    already some code that saves the current view path before enter into
    a flow.

    Default value for viewParam
    Reason: Add a "default" attribute in f:viewParam seems to be
    straighforward. See https://github.com/omnifaces/omnifaces/issues/118

    RFE: make HtmlInputHidden a ClientBehaviorHolder so that it can be
    used as the target for AJAX change events in composite components
    Reason: Valid case and just add onchange to this one is easy.

Issues already fixed (can't close them with my user):

    Add ViewDeclarationLanguageWrapper to JSF API


Leonardo Uribe

2016-10-18 6:12 GMT-05:00 Josh Juneau <juneau001_at_gmail.com>:

> Hi Ed/Everyone,
> I will work through the JIRA as best as I can. If I mark anyone's issue
> incorrectly, please let me know. I agree that JSF 2.3 is very solid at
> this point. If you read through Arjan's JSF 2.3 features list (
> http://arjan-tijms.omnifaces.org/p/jsf-23.html), it is really quite a
> compelling release.
> Thanks for everything.
> Josh Juneau
> juneau001_at_gmail.com
> http://jj-blogger.blogspot.com
> https://www.apress.com/index.php/author/author/view/id/1866
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Volunteers,
>> The dust from JavaOne is still settling, but while it does, we can do
>> Looking at the current state of the unresolved JIRAs we have:
>> Priority Count
>> ======== =====
>> MAJOR 109
>> MINOR 244
>> Before the end of the year, I would like to have a clear picture of how
>> we can ramp down work on 2.3 with a view toward getting a proposed final
>> draft of the spec out in early Q2 CY 2017.
>> In my opinion you all have already accomplished enough to make a very
>> respectable JSF 2.3 release. My call to action in this email is to look
>> at issues you have filed in the JIRA with a critical eye and ask
>> yourself some questions:
>> * Is this fixed already? Mark it as Fixed
>> * Do we really need this in 2.3? If the answer is no, mark as Won't Fix
>> or Works as designed.
>> * Does the request even make sense? If not, mark as Invalid or
>> Incomplete.
>> Thanks for everything you do,
>> Ed
>> --
>> | edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017