
[jsr372-experts] Re: [jsr372-experts mirror] Re: [jsr344-experts] [941-ReduceELCalls] DISCUSSION

From: manfred riem <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:58:22 -0600

Hi Arjan,

In a nutshell yes. To be a bit more precise the ELExpression itself is
not the problem really it is the EL resolving through the chain that is
the real problem. So if that is optimized I think caching the
ELExpression becomes well uncessary. Hence no real action need from a
spec perspective.


On 1/21/15, 11:53 AM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, manfred riem <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com
> <mailto:manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> As noted at https://struberg.wordpress.com/tag/cdi/ we could have
> the CDI layer
> cache the value and achieve a speed up that way.
> Thoughts?
> Okay, so to be clear, the assumption is that CDI is (potentially) so
> fast at resolving beans from EL and/or their scope, that effectively
> nothing has to be done here, right?
> It's not the full outcome of an EL expression that's cached, but just
> the CDI managed beans in the chain.
> Eg
> Suppose we have EL;
> #{foo.bar.kaz.rendered}
> With "foo" being say a CDI view scoped bean, and bar and kaz dependent
> beans, then getBar().getKaz().isRendered() will still be called as
> often as they are today, but the assumption is that calling 3 (in this
> case) getters is so utterly cheap that it's not worth optimising for.
> The real cost is in resolving "foo", but CDI is already so blazingly
> fast there that JSF does not have to do anything.
> Is it correct that this is the idea?
> Kind regards,
> Arjan
> Manfred
> On 1/15/15, 8:33 AM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 11:11 AM,
> Hanspeter<hampidu_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> A good thought this cache annotation, however, the called
> method to return
> the rendered boolean has no knowledge if the component is
> inside an
> iterating component. Cachong on phase level without
> respect to iteration
> will cause problems.
> Yes, good point. There's definitely some more thinking needed
> there.
> Maybe the iterating component can reset the scoped cache (no
> need to
> go up or down the children's chain), or maybe the cache's
> (auto-generated) cache key can include the (virtual) component ID.
> As said, just thinking out loud here.
> Also annotation lookup might cause more effort than simply
> cache rendered
> eval result within the encode* cycle.
> Possibly yes. If the component itself does some caching and stores
> this in a simple variable, it's almost always going to be
> faster and
> as a bonus simpler and more automatic for the user as well.
> The idea about explicit caching tailored for JSF phases was just
> thrown out there in case this automatic caching would appear
> to be too
> invasive and the default has to be more conservative. It's a
> bit of a
> backup plan thus.
> One thing that could limit the cost of annotation lookup is if
> this
> would only be done once when the ValueExpression is created.
> Suppose
> we would create a CachingValueExpression when the @Cached
> annotation
> is present, and this CachingValueExpression would do the caching
> (possibly using a scoped cache).
> Components which would not care about caching can then just
> obtain the
> value from the VE as they always do, while components that do
> care can
> do an instanceof check, and if needed call methods on
> CachingValueExpression to bypass the cache, reset it, etc.
> Kind regards,
> Arjan
> Regards
> Hanspeter
> Am 14.01.2015 23:59 schrieb "arjan
> tijms"<arjan.tijms_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> On Tuesday, January 13, 2015, Leonardo
> Uribe<leonardo.uribe_at_irian.at>
> wrote:
> Yes, the strategy done in MyFaces is far more
> simple, but since this is
> considered an implementation detail, how it works
> falls out of the scope of
> the discussion of the list.
> I for one would be rather interested in the details
> regarding this far
> more simple solution. Would it really not be a
> possible candidate for
> standardization?
> The thing you need to consider in this problem is
> EL evaluation is not
> as slow as you can imagine, compared with multiple
> hashmap.get() calls. On
> the other side isRendered() method can be called
> multiple times and most of
> them do not do any EL evaluation. If you have a
> component tree with multiple
> component and some of them has an EL on
> isRendered(), you will not gain
> anything if you add extra hashmap.get() calls on
> every isRendered() call
> I generally agree with the statement that we should be
> careful that
> any kind of cache lookup does not end up being roughly
> as expensive as
> the thing we're trying to cache, let alone be more
> expensive.
> That said, caching the isRendered outcome does prevent
> users getting
> surprised about why their bean is called multiple
> times, and lessens
> the impact of doing any kind of expensive computation
> inside the
> getter (which users of course shouldn't do, but
> especially beginners
> are often tempted to do anyway).
> Just thinking out loud, but a potential additional
> solution could be
> to put the caching behavior more in the hands of the
> user, for
> instance with explicit cached EL expressions, or
> JCache like
> annotations.
> Explicit cached value expressions are a bit like c:set
> or OmiFaces'
> o:cacheValue
> (http://showcase.omnifaces.org/components/cache), but
> would have more control over the phases. E.g.
> <o:cache key="foo" scope="request" phase="renderResponse">
> <o:cacheValue name="isRendered"
> value="#{someBean.something.isRendered}" />
> </o:cache>
> ...
> <h:panelGroup rendered="#{isRendered}">
> ...
> Or with a JCache-like annotation:
> @Cached(facesPhase="renderResponse")
> public boolean isRendered() {
> return ...
> }
> Yet another option with EL 3 lambdas:
> <h:panelGroup rendered="#{fn:cached( () ->
> someBean.something.isRendered, 'renderResponse') }">
> ...
> Such constructs could be used together with the
> component caching as
> mentioned in this thread; component caching could then
> be relatively
> conservative, while for more elaborate caching an
> explicit user
> controlled construct could be used.
> As said, just thinking out loud here ;)
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
> , just to try to gain something on the components
> that use it (which can
> be just a couple of them).
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2015-01-12 15:55 GMT-05:00 manfred
> riem<manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>:
> Since you are telling me there are other
> tested strategies that are far
> more simple can you elaborate?
> Manfred
> On 1/12/15, 2:53 PM, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Hi Manfred
> Well, you can make it work, but all that logic
> seems overkill to me. It
> could work, but I doubt about its convenience
> against other tested
> strategies for the same problem that are far
> more simple.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2015-01-12 15:07 GMT-05:00 manfred
> riem<manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>:
> Hi Leonardo,
> I disagree, as when the rendering starts
> in each encodeBegin it can
> get the elCacheable transientHelper
> attribute from the parent and then set
> is own elCacheable transientHelper
> attribute. And if you cannot find the
> elCacheable transientHelper attribute on
> the parent you err on the side of
> assuming it is not EL cacheable. And voila
> no going up many levels.
> Manfred
> On 1/12/15, 12:26 PM, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Hi
> It could be one, it could be many. The
> problem is the component
> doesn't know how many levels up should be
> checked to decide if there is an
> iteration, so it will be forced to go all
> levels to the top, over and over.
> There is no contextual information about
> the current iteration. I think it
> is quite easy to find examples where it
> will fail.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2015-01-12 13:08 GMT-05:00 manfred
> riem<manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>:
> How so? It is just calling one
> component up?
> Manfred
> On 1/12/15, 12:06 PM, Leonardo Uribe
> wrote:
> Hi Manfred
> MR>> The encodeBegin method has
> access to the parent component
> The problem is do that will increase
> the algorithm complexity. We
> need to
> keep it on lineal complexity (O(n)),
> otherwise the optimization will
> not
> be effective.
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2015-01-12 12:44 GMT-05:00 manfred
> riem<manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>:
> Hi Leonardo,
> The encodeBegin method has access
> to the parent component, so it can
> determine the parent ElCacheable
> from it. If the parent is not an
> ELCacheable instance the component
> itself cannot be either, otherwise
> it can
> look its getter.
> Regards,
> Manfred
> On 1/12/15, 11:40 AM, Leonardo
> Uribe wrote:
> Hi
> I don't think an interface could
> work, because it is the parent, not
> the child who defines the
> iteration strategy. It is a fact
> that we reuse the
> same component instances for
> different rows (UIData).
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe
> 2015-01-12 9:13 GMT-05:00 manfred
> riem<manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>:
> Hi Hanspeter,
> I am trying to formalize it
> for the RenderPhase only,
> which would
> mean stating something like
> the following:
> 1. ElCacheable would be
> defined by an interface
> 2. ElCacheable would operate
> a. Which means a
> component would not be allowed
> to change the
> value of an EL expression
> b. For an iterating
> component it would not cache
> and thus not
> implement ElCacheable
> c. For components not
> implementing the ElCacheable
> interface it
> would operate as if it was not
> cacheable.
> 3. Add a getter / setter that
> stores elCacheable on the
> UIComponent
> Am I missing something here?
> Thoughts?
> Manfred
> On 1/9/15, 5:18 PM, Hanspeter
> wrote:
> Hi Experts.
> I think this is worth pushing +1.
> The multiple rendered
> attribute evaluation bothers
> most in the
> render phase because
> isRendered() is called by every
> UIComponent(Base).encode*
> method. So maybe a first step
> would be to improve
> the encode* methods such that
> for an encodeAll() cycle the
> rendered
> attribute is cached. That is
> possible with a few lines of
> code - I happily
> provide the changes.
> E.g. encodeAll() and/or
> encodeBegin() could enable
> renderedCaching,
> isRendered() stores the
> rendered result on a component
> private Boolean, and
> in encodeEnd() rendered
> caching is disabled and reset.
> That way without
> additional effort rendered is
> reset for the next iteration.
> But still this
> would reduce evaluate times by
> factor 3 to 4 per component
> encoding.
> I'm not sure whether rendered
> caching on a broader scope makes
> sense, e.g. for phases 2-5. In
> csJSF component library we did
> some rendered
> caching, but had to reset the
> cache once per phase and
> within iterating
> components as well. And I
> think rendered is rarely
> evaluated more often as
> it was reset in these
> execution phases.
> Best regards
> Hanspeter
> 2015-01-09 19:12 GMT+01:00
> Bauke Scholtz<balusc_at_gmail.com>:
> +1
> Ideally, the
> UIComponent#isRendered()
> should cache the value on a
> per-phase and
> per-iteration basis. It
> would be awesome too if
> iteration
> components implement a
> common interface or
> abstract class, which
> should also
> simplify a lot of other
> things related to a.o.
> setting the currently
> iterated item and state
> saving.
> Cheers, B
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at
> 7:00 PM, manfred riem
> <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>
> wrote:
> Whoops, sending to
> right list. Please
> ignore it on the other.
> -------- Original
> Message --------
> Subject:
> [jsr344-experts]
> [941-ReduceELCalls]
> Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015
> 11:51:14 -0600
> From: manfred
> riem<manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>
> Reply-To:
> jsr344-experts_at_javaserverfaces-spec-public.java.net
> Organization: Oracle
> Corporation
> To:
> jsr344-experts_at_javaserverfaces-spec-public.java.net
> CC: Max
> Starets<max.starets_at_oracle.com>,
> Andy Schwartz
> <andy.schwartz_at_oracle.com>
> Hi all,
> As we all know the
> number of times an EL
> expression is evaluated
> during render is
> higher than it could be.
> To see if there is a
> potential to reduce
> that number I want to
> ask the most important
> question first as it
> determines whether or
> not this
> issue is even worth
> pursuing?
> Is it safe to assume
> that during rendering
> and not as a child of
> an iterating component
> the value of the EL
> expression will stay
> stable?
> Regards,
> Manfred