
[jsr372-experts] Re: [1336-ViewScopeAndClientSideStateSaving]

From: manfred riem <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:04:09 -0600

Hi Leonardo,

In 2.1.x we indeed had a view scope that was saving the view scoped
managed beans with the view state. However that proved to be problematic
as it was underspecified a bit.

In the 2.2 specification we fixed this by solving the following problems:

   1. Fix requirements for @PreDestroy
   2. Fix requirements for @PostConstruct
   3. Fix the CDI and non-CDI variant of @ViewScoped to work the same way
   4. Fix client-side and server-side state saving variant of a
@ViewScoped bean to work the same way.

We did that by primarily requiring a @ViewScoped bean to live in the

But what does it mean if you really want to just have a client side
variant of the 2.1 @ViewScoped style, well with the current state you
are out of luck. Should we create a @ClientScoped that stores the beans
in the client side view state (and mandates it to be only supported for
client side state saving)? And if so, how do we define @PostConstruct
and @PreDestroy, or do we not support those on a @ClientScoped bean as
we can't clearly define when those should be called?

Anyway that is the information behind the issue. Feel free to comment.


On 11/4/14, 2:39 PM, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Hi
> I saw this issue on the issue tracker:
> https://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-1336
> ViewScope and client side state saving is broken
> I just wanted to mention that JSF 2.2 javadoc of
> UIViewRoot.getViewMap(boolean create) says this:
> "... For reasons made clear in ViewScoped, this map must ultimately be
> stored in the session. For this reason, a true value for the create
> argument will force the session to be created with a call to
> ExternalContext.getSession(boolean). ..."
> In JSF 2.1 and earlier, view scope was stored with the view state on
> client side state saving.
> I remember a discussion about that in myfaces users list long time ago:
> http://markmail.org/message/ojbet3r2iicdxcmh
> I think the change was done to support @PreDestroy annotation when the
> session is expired.
> What do I miss? I understand there are reasons to have a view scope
> stored with the view state (avoid ViewExpiredException or view scope
> bean expiration).
> Please note flow scope and flash scope are stored in session too, so
> what's the deal?
> Isn't better to provide a client side view scope that specifically is
> stored with the view state?
> regards,
> Leonardo Uribe