
[jsr344-experts] Re: Discussion: Action Oriented framework in Java EE

From: manfred riem <manfred.riem_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:59:50 -0600

Hi Kito and all,

Obviously not speaking for Ed, but in my view making it possible for
Facelets to be consumed as a library component makes it possible for
JAX-RS to use it as a view technology, but that is just one of the
benefits. One can then also use Facelets as templating engine for
emails, PDFs or whatever you want to generate that needs a templating

And with respect to the action lifecycle in JSF I think the prototype
shows how extensible JSF really is. Whether or not the JSF EG wants to
add sometime like this is up for discussion. All I did was do the
prototype to see whether or not it is feasible and I think it is.


On 3/7/14, 1:46 PM, Kito Mann wrote:
> Ed, what's your motivation for doing the JAX-RS route _and_ the JSF
> route? Support action-based scenarios within JSF apps, but provide
> JAX-RS for those who don't use JSF?
> ___
> Kito D. Mann | @kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
> Virtua, Inc. | http://www.virtua.com | JSF/Java EE training and consulting
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> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com
> <mailto:edward.burns_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> Hello JSF Volunteers,
> As you may have seen, there have been rumblings of varying sizes
> on the
> topic of an action oriented web framework in Java EE 8. You also may
> have seen the following email from JSF community member and EE
> advocate
> Ajan Tijms. I'd like to use Arjan's mail as a point of departure for
> this discussion in the expert group here.
> AT> Many of you have undoubtedly read Manfred's blog about the action
> AT> based prototype in Mojarra. For those who haven't yet, it's at
> AT>
> https://weblogs.java.net/blog/mriem/archive/2014/01/13/jsf-tip-56-using-action-based-prototype-mojarra
> AT> This very same prototype is now also referred to as one of the 3
> AT> possible options in part 3 of the Java EE 8 survey concerning "An
> AT> additional web MVC framework".
> AT> From the previous part of the survey it became clear that
> people are
> AT> interested in the action based topic, but that there's no clear
> AT> consensus whether this should be an upgraded JAX-RS, the
> AT> standardization of Spring MVC or something else. That
> something else
> AT> might thus just as well be an upgraded JSF (as I argued for last
> AT> year here:
> AT>
> https://java.net/projects/javaee-spec/lists/users/archive/2013-10/message/5)
> AT> I thus wonder what everyone's opinion is about this prototype
> AT> Manfred created.
> I'd like to see us extract Facelets from JSF, make it a first class
> citizen of a JAX-RS MVC, *and* provide an Action Oriented lifecycle as
> an alternative to the standard JSF lifecycle.
> AT> Clearly it's a prototype. Things like parameter injection have not
> AT> been added yet and some (core?) details like how to exactly
> identify
> AT> request parameters submitted by existing components have not been
> AT> entirely fleshed out yet.
> AT> But, do you think this is the way forward for JSF?
> What do others think?
> Ed
> --
> | edward.burns_at_oracle.com <mailto:edward.burns_at_oracle.com> |
> office: +1 407 458 0017 <tel:%2B1%20407%20458%200017>
> | 11 Work Days Til JavaLand 2014